We will become an authentic, committed, practicing body of believers who acknowledge and demonstrate a love for God, a love for the saved and the unsaved and a willingness to submit to the sovereignty of Jesus Christ as Lord as we reach, teach and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world!
By the Grace of God, we will become an authentic body of believers who glorify, worship and serve God fervently through active, vibrant, selfless participation in prayer, praise, worship and bible study!
By the Grace of God, we will become a committed body of believers who are devoted to God, to loving our families, to healing marriages, to raising children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, to encouraging each other, to equipping the saints for ministry, to reaching the lost at all cost and to impacting Godly change in our neighborhoods and communities!
By the Grace of God, we will become a practicing body of believers who model Christ’s behavior and example in the earth by living out the word of God, submitting to the will of God, helping the helpless, forgiving the unforgiven, fellowshipping in the unchurched, loving the unloved, strengthening the weak, leading the lost to Christ, accepting the rejected, discipling the undiscipled so that we can become fruit bearers for Christ!
By the Grace of God, we will become a unified body of believers who will transition from our current facility into a larger campus that will consist of more ministry space for offices, meetings, bible studies, rehearsals, Sunday School classes, New Discipleship classes, prayer/intercessory rooms, mission related activities, feeding the poor, housing and providing clothes and food, recreational activities and fellowship! Because we have reached the saved and unsaved through evangelism, technology, radio, television and social media, First Church’s exponential growth will require a new, dynamic state of the art facility and by the Grace of God, He will provide!