2024 Eastern Diocese Combined Holiness Convention/Youth Conference


Thursday, June 20 – Sunday, June 23 2024

Hotel Information

Wyndham Garden
York, Pennsylvania

Please visit https://bigeastcochusa.com/ to book hotel rooms, register for the combined conferences, and more…

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Northern District Caucus

On behalf of Elder Calvin Brown, Northern District Chairman, you are invited to the Eastern Diocese Northern District Caucus.  The event will be held on Thursday, June 21, 2024 from 12:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.

As a reminder to the Pastors & District Presidents, all progress reports and a listed of the names for your deceased members are due by Friday, June 14, 2024.  Please send the information to: [email protected] & [email protected].  **Please bring 25 copies of your report to the session.

This is our election year.  Please bring the names of your nominations to the meeting.  All District offices are available for service.

Eastern Diocese Open Positions – See Details


Brotherhood Session

UCWM Session

Friday, June 21, 2024

Youth Conference


Saturday, June 21, 2024

EDHC and EDYC combined events

Sunday, June 22, 2024

Sunday School and Sunday Worship Service