Making, Maturing, and Multiplying Faithful Disciples  
First Church Covenant
Psalms 91-NKJV

"For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal."

~2 Corinthians 4:17-18~NKJV

Before every promotion, there comes a test. Each time you are about to level up, your character and faith will face a trial. In those moments, you might feel abandoned, but rest assured, God is with you. The teacher remains silent during the test, but is always present. Stay focused and stay faithful. The reward waiting for you on the other side will make it all worthwhile. Even though it may seem like you are breaking now, remember, God is preparing you for what lies ahead. A new challenge demands a new and stronger version of yourself!

~Be Blessed and Be Encouraged!~

2024 Church Theme

Sundays at First Church!

Join Pastor Martino on Praise 104.1

Tune in every Sunday at 8:00 am for a powerful word from the Lord!

Listen to last Sunday's broadcast!
Link to Zoom!

Sunday Worship Information

Please note:

Sunday Morning Prayer Time

will be held on our War Room Prayer Line.

Dial-In Number: 1-301-715-8592           

 Meeting ID: 871 4405 5956#

Participant ID: Please press #

Password: 483058#

Listen to an ANOINTED message!

Connect with the War Room for Daily Prayer

Daily and Weekly Bible Focus

Believer's Bible Challenge

It is not too late to join us for our monthly Believer's Relationship Bible Challenge.

Click here to obtain MAY's Challenge.

Forerunners Bible Study

Join us for Forerunner's Bible Study on this and every Tuesday beginning at 12:30 pm.

Join Bible Study on Zoom

Log-in every Tuesday evening for "Life in the Word!"

Link to Zoom!
Listen to an ANOINTED message!

Young Adult Bible Conversations

All young adults between the ages of 18-35 are invited to join the Young Adult Bible Conversations EVERY third Wednesday at 7:30pm on Zoom.

Bible Study Prophetic Round Table

Do you need to hear a word from the Lord? Tune in to Bible Study on the Last Tuesday on the month to hear a word from the Lord by the Prophet Ministry.

Upcoming Events

Announcement Submission Reminder

Highlights of the Week!


Diary of a Christian Woman!

Honoring Graduates

Masterlife Discipleship

First Church Movie Night

Ministry Opportunities

Application Information!

Poetic Transparency's Women's Retreat

All Women are asked to save the date for the Annual Women's Retreat sponsored by Poetic Transparency!

Recurring Events

May's Teaching

Tithes and Offering

Offering Update:

When submitting your offering, PLEASE:

  1. Write your name as it appears on your drivers license.
  2. When submitting, please identify where you would like the monies to go towards. (i.e. tithes, offering, special event, or a ministry.)
Missing Announcements?
Do you know someone that is missing the announcements or information from First Church? Please have them to send an email address to [email protected] to be added the email registry.